What are the most common unfair debt collection tactics and why should you hire JENESQ if a debt collection company is using them on you?

Debt collection is a seamy industry because the people who are collecting the debts often have to act outside of the law to be successful. Consumers sometimes have to go through horrific obstacles that border on harassment from some of the collectors. The following is some information on unfair debt collection practices and what a consumer can do if he or she suddenly becomes subject to such practices:

Relentless Phone Calls

One practice that has bothered consumers for many years is the practice of making relentless phone calls. Many debt collectors believe they will get results if they call up to 100 times in a day. Usually, those calls do not do anything but upset people and force them to pay the creditor just to stop the harassment.

Requests for Post-Dated Debit Card Payments

One way debt collectors try to ensure payment is by requesting that people make post-dated payments either through a check or debit card. It is a poor practice because it leaves no room for error or unexpected circumstances that may occur. Some collection agents are quite forceful when they request these post-dated payments. The forcefulness, along with the requesting of post-dated payments make the practice unfair.

Calls at Work

Some debt collection agents take harassment to an entirely new level by calling people at work. Calling people at work not only upsets the debtor, but it also causes issues at work for the debtor. Business establishments do not appreciate when people have frequent personal calls when they are supposed to be working.

Threats and Insults

Perhaps the most appalling debt collection practice is the use threats and the insults. Debt collectors have been known to call people derogatory names for not paying their debts. They have also been known to make false threats like threats of jail and so forth. These types of actions fall into the abuse category and are unacceptable.

Contacting an Attorney for Help

The best way for a consumer to free himself or herself from debt collection harassment is to contact a reliable attorney. JENESQ is a law office that can help a consumer to get out from under the thumb of debt collection issues. The law firm can also stop improper collection practices from occurring dead in their tracks. The consumer just has to make a phone call to reap the benefit of the firm’s protective services. Someone will be delighted to speak with the consumer about how he or she can obtain freedom from illegal debt collection practices.